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Fascial Flow

10am with Simone

  • 1 h

Service Description

Fascia is a fascinating body tissue. Our muscles, organs, blood vessels and nerves are encased and connected through our fascia. Fascia creates a web of connections throughout the body and is the glue that holds the body together. It is what gives the body shape and stores tension pulling the body into different postural patterns. This class will take you through a series of movements to get the fascia moving. Through these movements, your fascia will become more limber and be able to bounce, stretch and glide more easily and prepare the body for various yoga postures. When your fascia is healthy, everything in your body and mind can flow more easily from your digestion and joint health to your mental state. Your downward dog may never feel the same again! The class will finish with various longer-held yin postures that work on lengthening the fascial lines in the body leaving you feeling light and long ready to take on the rest of the day.

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